Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

Do You Believe In The Herbal Hype?

In China, herbal method has been treated for along time. Nowadays, it's not strange if American use that treatment. There is a fast-growing interest among people today regarding alternative medicines and therapies. This interest includes the herbal remedies and dietary supplements market. In fact, it's a safe bet that many large supermarkets in your local area feature an aisle or two specifically for natural medicines alone. A quick browse through the World Wide Web about health problems and topics will reveal advertisements and articles about natural health products that claim to help consumers with everything from migraines to sexual deficiencies.

When they are used properly in combination with a patient's overall health regimen, these natural health products can be effective and safe. More and more people are observed to be taking an active part in taking care of their health, and this is a good thing. What makes it a problem, though, is the lack of information that patients sometimes have, especially when it comes to self-presciption medicines. With that in mind, it is valuable to know the following rules-of-thumb regarding botanicals and herbal remedies:

Don't immediately think that taking a natural medicine is safe for you. Alternative medicines from plants or herbs can also be dangerous when taken improperly. These natural medicines are usually needed to be taken in strong dosages, or at least strong enough to be effective. It's good to remember that they also have contra-indications, just like other medicines. Usually these contra-indications happen when abnormally large dosages are taken, or if the herb is taken over a prolonged amount of time.

Goji Berries are getting much acclaim lately for being health food products, usually marketed as either Himalayan goji or Tibetan goji. One source indicates that Goji Berries have been a mainstay of Traditional Chinese Medicine for around 1,900 years already. According to Chinese legend, Goji Berries were also used by Shen Nung who is believed to have been the First Emperor of China. Goji Berries are now considered a health food because research has shown that it has antioxidants and nutrients aplenty, which may explain why Goji Berries are also now classified as one of the superfruits. Demand for superfruits like Goji Berries is expected to reach the billion-dollar mark by year 2011.

The Goji Berries you may be familiar with are usually of an ellipsoidal shape and bright red, with each of the Goji Berries filled with up to sixty seeds. Goji Berries that are planted in countries in the Northern Hemisphere may ripen in the months of July, August, September and October.

Nowadays, Goji Berries are planted in commercial quantities in north central China (in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) and in western China (in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.) The size of a typical plantation of Goji Berries can start at 100 acres and extend to up to 1000 acres in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Ningxia has been found to produce some of the top Goji Berries variety which are sometimes called the red diamonds commercial variety.

Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Satelit Komunikasi Internet Tercanggih

Jepang Luncurkan Satelit Komunikasi Internet Tercanggih

sumber : Cybermq.com

Tokyo - Badan Eksplorasi Ruang Angkasa Jepang (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency - JAXA), Sabtu, meluncurkan roketnya ke angkasa luar, membawa satelit eksperimental "Kizuna" yang merupakan proyek eksperimental tercanggih guna mewujudkan sistem jaringan komunikasi internet super cepat.

Peluncuran roket buatan dalam negeri bernama H-2A itu berlangsung sukses dari pusat peluncuran ruang angkasa Jepang di Provinsi Kagoshima, setelah sempat mengalami penundaan dari jadwal sebelumnya pada 15 Februari lalu, demikian Kyodo di Tokyo, Sabtu.

Para ahli Jepang merancang Kizuna sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan sistem komunikasi internet tanpa kabel (wireless) super cepat yang mampu menjangkau wilayah Asia Pasifik. Hal itu juga sebagai jawaban atas sulitnya pembangunan infrastruktur jaringan internet di daratan.

Kondisi geografis Jepang yang bergunung-gunung dan berbatu-batu memang cukup menyulitkan bagi terlaksananya pembangunan infrastruktur jaringan internet di seantero negeri yang memang sedang dikebut oleh Jepang.

Akhirnya Jepang memilih untuk mempercepat pengembangan sistem jaringan internet via satelit yang tidak menggunakan kabel dan opsi tersebut juga sebagai upaya antisipatif jika sistem komunikasi yang permanen mengalami gangguan hebat.

Kemampuan mentransfer data melalui Kizuna cukup mengagumkan, yakni sebesar 1,2 gigabit per detik. Satu gigabit = satu milyar bit per detik. Dengan kemampuan itu, Jepang juga mampu mempercepat riset pengembangan teknologi broadcasting generasi terbaru, yakni "high-definition televisions", atau kerap disebut "HD-TV".

Kecepatan transfer data internet bagi publik Jepang tergolong cepat dengan menggunakan jaringan serat optik berkecepatan transfer data minimal 100 megabit per detik (Mbps).

Pihak pembuat satelit itu mengklaim bahwa Kizuna merupakan sistem komunikasi tercepat yang ada di dunia saat ini. Manfaat lainnya dengan kapasitas transfer data super cepat itu adalah mampu mengembangkan layanan konsultasi kedokteran jarak jauh.

Satelit itu sendiri merupakan hasil kerjasama antara JAXA dan National Institute of Information and Communication Technology. Total biaya yang dihabiskan untuk proyek tersebut mencapai 52 miliar yen, mulai dari riset, peluncuran hingga pengoperasiannya.

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

New Hope for Domain Parking

Domain parking has had a bit of a bad reputation, and rightfully so. Most parked domains are setup with a domain registrar and they are the ones who end up making most of the income from clicks on your parked pages, that is, if your parked page gets any clicks at all. In truth, the domain registrars are likely only interested in making money from your domain name registration.

I have been intrigued with the domain parking concept however was discouraged until recently with the potential of parking my domains. It is true, almost all parked pages are shunned by the major search engines because they lack any quality content and are simply filled with ads. Simple logic told me that if the search engines are not interested at all with parked pages filled with ads, and this means the chances of people finding my parked pages is slim to none.

Thankfully there is new hope for parking domains with rich content parking systems, for example the one I now use, WhyPark (http://cyberflash.whypark.hop.clickbank.net/). These domain parking systems don't just set you up with a page full of ads and forget about you, they provide you with simple tools that let you create rich content websites full of relevant articles that search engines love. This is the most exciting development in domain parking history because it means anyone can create a quality web site containing your own advertisements that you earn all or most of the income from.

This revolution in domain parking opens the doors for anyone interested in creating powerful websites and capitalizing on their income potential.

While it is possible to invest just twenty minutes of your time setting up a domain with one of these rich content parking systems, the more time and effort you invest in promoting your domain, the more traffic your domain will receive in turn increasing your domains earning potential.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2008

Eye Care

The eyes are the window to your soul and therefore need special care and attention especially so, with increasing pollution and levels of dust and grime. While we tend to look after our skin and hair and other parts of the body, we tend to relegate eye care to the background. There are several simple and easy solutions to all problems related to eye care from relaxation to dark circles and crow's feet. The following tips provide you complete treatment for your eyes.

All you need to do is to set aside few minutes everyday for eye care. It will benefit you in the long run. You can then possess healthy and beautiful eyes devoid of crow's feet and dark circles around the eyes.

The first and foremost in eye care is the diet. Make sure that your intake includes plenty of fruits and vegetables specially the yellow ones like carrots, mangoes, papaya etc. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes. Spinach is also good for the health of your eyes.

Rest is vital in the eye care routine. It will not only refresh the eyes but also improve their efficiency. Therefore take adequate rest. Regular exercise is mandatory to improve blood circulation. It will supply enough oxygen for the perfect functioning of the eyes.Simple everyday eye exercise like closing your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them in between your work, rotating your eyes often to relax muscles and moving your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner is good for maintaining healthy eyes. To prevent blurred vision follow this simple exercise. Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times

The skin around the eyes is very thin and full of blood vessels, which makes it sensitive to changes in the body especially those related to retention and distribution of water. In most cases puffiness in and around the eyes is often noticed upon waking up in the morning. Mild puffiness is usually only a temporary cosmetic concern. However if puffiness is severe or persistent and accompanied by swelling of the face or other parts, it may indicate other conditions like thyroid or kidney diseases and calls for immediate medical attention. Even though puffiness is accumulation of excess fluid, when the body gets dehydrated, it stores water as a defense mechanism, which contributes to further puffiness. Therefore, drinking adequate water is an important part of eye care. Drink at least a liter of water to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.

Avoid excessive rubbing of your eyes as the irritation caused due to rubbing or touching will only cause more puffiness. Instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.Milk is a good and safe natural cleanser. Clean your eyes using a clean cotton ball dipped in milk. Rose water drops gives a good glow to your eyes. Castor oil application is good for your eye lashes and eye brows. It keeps them dense and dark.

Protect your eyes from sunrays during the peak daytime by wearing sunglasses. The usual home remedies like cold water compress, cucumber slices, tea bags, application of egg whites and grated potatoes under the eyes for about 10 minutes are effective. It helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up. The above eye care tips will ensure that your pair of eyes remains healthy and beautiful for a very long time.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

Kantor Google

Seperti Apa Sih Kantornya Google?

Posted on Jan 03, 2008 00:48 By girbox (waktu maen ksana)

Mungkin beberapa dari kita bertanya-tanya seperti apa suasana di dalam kantor situs pencari terbesar di dunia ini. Nah, gambar di bawah ini menunjukkan tangga untuk masuk ke sebuah bangunan yang disebut sebagai 'Googleplex'. Klik read more untuk melihat kantor dari perusahaan yang berpredikat sebagai 'nomor 1 dalam top 100 perusahaan yang paling diminati di Amerika' ini!

Googleplex berlokasi di Mountain View, California. Bangunan dengan bentuk mirip kampus ini memiliki 11 buah kafetaria, lapangan voli, tempat pijat, dan segudang fasilitas lainnya!

Google total mempekerjakan 10 ribu pegawai di seluruh dunia, dan mereka menerima CV atau surat lamaran setiap 25 detiknya setiap hari! Tidak heran jika melihat seperti apa tempat kerjanya ^_^

Jika kita menemukan orang yang berpakaian rapi, biasanya mereka adalah tamu. Para pegawai Google selalu memakai celana Jeans, t-shirt, sweater, atau bahkan piyama ^_^

Kafetaria di bawah ini memiliki segala jenis makanan yang ingin anda santap, yaitu sereal, buah-buahan, permen, kacang, M&Ms, toffee, wortel, yogurt, serta banyak jenis minuman termasuk soda, dan cappucino.

Jika anda sudah kenyang, mungkin ada baiknya berolahraga, karena kantor ini menyediakan segala jenis fasilitas olahraga. Mulai dari gym, kolam renang, pingpong, dan lain-lain.

Atau jika para pegawainya ingin sekedar relaxing, mereka bisa bermain biliar, foosball, pinball, dan berbagai jenis video game

Selain fasilitas, layanan bagi para pegawainya pun diutamakan, yang dapat dilihat dari salon gratis, dry cleaning dan laundry, serta layanan penitipan anak, 5 dokter, serta servis mobil yang semuanya gratis dan tersedia..

Bahkan jika kita ingin ditemani binatang peliharaan kita, kita boleh membawanya ke kantor, dengan catatan kita sendiri yang harus mengurusnya.

Begitu enaknya suasana bekerja di kantor ini, sehingga salah seorang VPnya yang bernama Marissa Mayer dari Search and New Product Division mengatakan bahwa ia mau saja kerja tanpa dibayar di Google ^_^

New Hope for Domain Parking

Domain parking has had a bit of a bad reputation, and rightfully so. Most parked domains are setup with a domain registrar and they are the ones who end up making most of the income from clicks on your parked pages, that is, if your parked page gets any clicks at all. In truth, the domain registrars are likely only interested in making money from your domain name registration.

I have been intrigued with the domain parking concept however was discouraged until recently with the potential of parking my domains. It is true, almost all parked pages are shunned by the major search engines because they lack any quality content and are simply filled with ads. Simple logic told me that if the search engines are not interested at all with parked pages filled with ads, and this means the chances of people finding my parked pages is slim to none.

Thankfully there is new hope for parking domains with rich content parking systems, for example the one I now use, WhyPark (http://cyberflash.whypark.hop.clickbank.net/). These domain parking systems don't just set you up with a page full of ads and forget about you, they provide you with simple tools that let you create rich content websites full of relevant articles that search engines love. This is the most exciting development in domain parking history because it means anyone can create a quality web site containing your own advertisements that you earn all or most of the income from.

This revolution in domain parking opens the doors for anyone interested in creating powerful websites and capitalizing on their income potential.

While it is possible to invest just twenty minutes of your time setting up a domain with one of these rich content parking systems, the more time and effort you invest in promoting your domain, the more traffic your domain will receive in turn increasing your domains earning potential.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

Bocah Pembeli Es Krim

Minggu siang di sebuah mal. Seorang bocah lelaki umur delapan tahun berjalan
menuju ke sebuah gerai tempat penjual eskrim. Karena pendek, ia terpaksa
memanjat untuk bisa melihat si pramusaji. Penampilannya yang lusuh sangat
kontras dengan suasana hingar bingar mal yang serba wangi dan indah.

"Mbak sundae cream harganya berapa?" si bocah bertanya.

"Lima ribu rupiah," yang ditanya menjawab.

Bocah itu kemudian merogoh recehan duit dari kantongnya. Ia menghitung
recehan di tangannya dengan teliti. Sementara si pramusaji menunggu
dengan raut muka tidak sabar. Maklum, banyak pembeli yang lebih "berduit"
ngantre di belakang pembeli ingusan itu.

"Kalau plain cream berapa?"

Dengan suara ketus setengah melecehkan, si pramusaji menjawab,
"Tiga ribu lima ratus".

Lagi-lagi si bocah menghitung recehannya, " Kalau begitu saya mau
sepiring plain cream saja, Mbak," kata si bocah sambil memberikan uang
sejumlah harga es yang diminta. Si pramusaji pun segera mengangsurkan
sepiring plain cream.

Beberapa waktu kemudian, si pramusaji membersihkan meja dan piring kotor
yang sudah ditinggalkan pembeli. Ketika mengangkat piring es krim bekas
dipakai bocah tadi, ia terperanjat. Di meja itu terlihat dua keping uang logam
Limaratusan serta lima keping recehan seratusan yang tersusun rapi.
Ada rasa penyesalan tersumbat dikerongkongan. Sang pramusaji tersadar,
sebenarnya bocah tadi bisa membeli sundae cream. Namun, ia mengorbankan
keinginan pribadi dengan maksud agar bisa memberikan tip bagi si pramusaji.

Pesan moral yang dibawa oleh anak tadi: setiap manusia di dunia ini adalah
penting. Di mana pun kita wajib memperlakukan orang lain dengan sopan,
bermartabat, dan dengan penuh hormat

Fun Games to Play With the Family

Many families today do not spend that much time together. Life seems to get in the way, and they end up going their separate ways and doing their own things. However, there are ways to bring the family closer, and one way is through the playing of games. With that in mind, however, it is important to find games that everyone can play, so that they can all have fun and enjoy what they are doing. Without the entire family being able to play, the people that are left out will be resentful and the goal of getting the entire family involved will be lost. Fortunately, there are many fun games available.

Some of the easiest ones to play are backyard games like horseshoes and beanbag toss. These are games that do not require a lot of set-up and preparation. In addition, they have simple rules and they are games that almost anyone of any age can play. Because of this, the entire family from very young children through to the elderly grandparents and even great-grandparents can play them. When games are available for such a large group of individuals, they can really help to keep families together. Sometimes, though, the weather is bad and games cannot be played outside. It may be too hot for everyone to enjoy it, or it may be raining or cold.

When outside games cannot be played, there are family games to play inside. Most people think of video and computer games, and those can be very enjoyable, but there are other games. Many people still like board games, and putting together a puzzle can be a fun family activity, as can doing an art project, making a scrapbook, or looking at family photos. For those that want a different kind of indoor game, though, there are many options that people used to play such as hide-and-seek or sardines. Searching the Internet for these kinds of games can provide parents with a list of many fun activities that the entire family can enjoy.

Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Fitness Health Tip

Everybody dreams of being healthy, beautiful and fit. The first fitness health tip is to believe that we are what we eat. Eat healthy and one will be healthy and beautiful. Healthy eating means eating three regular balanced meals-breakfast, lunch and dinner daily and making sure that each meal is a combination of carbohydrate and protein foods. Meals should include cereals, pulses, milk or curd, eggs, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables.

There is a fitness health tip which may come as a pleasant surprise and that is- Adding sugar is not a crime. Three to four teaspoon of sugar a day is permitted if one is not diabeticFinally, the whole secret of fitness and weight control rests on how much oil is consumed daily and how much fatty foods are eaten in a day. The normal requirement is 2-3 or 3-4 teaspoons oil per person per day. One may indulge in richer food twice in a week.

Another fitness health tip is that the major reason for an overweight and unhealthy body is a change in lifestyle. Today we don't walk anywhere, and hop into and out of cars. We also spend a lot of time sitting in front of television and computer. This is one reason why people in their 20's and 30's suffer from hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes.

Everybody from six years and above must ensure that a regular exercise session is fixed in the daily routine. A 20-30 minutes walk must be taught and practiced as regularly as brushing the teeth and bathing.It is also important to avoid too many soft drinks and packed juices which most of us prefer and stock in our refrigerator. It not only increases our body weight but also harms our teeth and skin. Rather we should resolve to drink plenty of water.

To conclude, there is no magic wand to achieve healthy, beautiful and fit body. It is imperative to keep a watch on what we eat. Keep the diet well balanced, regular and complete with salad and fruits. Make sure that one is active throughout the day and follow a regular fitness program that is in sync with the age, body and health.

Kekuatan Tanpa Kekerasan

Dr. Arun Gandhi adalah cucu Mahatma Gandhi dan pendiri Lembaga M.K.Gandhi untuk Tanpa-Kekerasan.

Pada tanggal 9 Juni ia memberikan ceramah di Universitas Puerto Rico dan bercerita bagaimana memberikan contoh tanpa-kekerasan yang dapat diterapkan di sebuah keluarga.

Waktu itu saya masih berusia 16 tahun dan tinggal bersama orang tua di sebuah lembaga yang didirikan oleh kakek saya, di tengah-tengah kebun tebu, 18 mil di luar kota Durban, Afrika Selatan. Kami tinggal jauh dipedalaman dan tidak memiliki tetangga. Tak heran bila saya dan dua saudara perempuan saya sangat senang bila ada kesempatan pergi ke kota untuk mengunjungi teman atau menonton bioskop.

Suatu hari, ayah meminta saya untuk mengantarkan beliau ke kota untuk menghadiri konferensi sehari penuh. Dan, saya sangat gembira dengan kesempatan itu. Tahu bahwa saya akan pergi ke kota, ibu memberikan daftar belanjaan yang ia perlukan. Selain itu, ayah juga meminta saya untuk mengerjakan beberapa pekerjaan yang lama tertunda, seperti memperbaiki mobil di bengkel.

Pagi itu, setiba di tempat konferensi, ayah berkata, "Ayah tunggu kau disini jam 5 sore. Lalu kita akan pulang ke rumah bersama-sama. " Segera saja saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh ayah saya. Kemudian, saya pergi ke bioskop. Wah, saya benar-benar terpikat dengan dua permainan John Wayne sehingga lupa akan waktu. Begitu melihat jam menunjukkan pukul 17:30, langsung saya berlari menunju bengkel mobil dan terburu-buru menjemput ayah yang sudah menunggu saya. Saat itu sudah hampir pukul 18:00.

Dengan gelisah ayah menanyai saya, "Kenapa kau terlambat?" Saya sangat malu untuk mengakui bahwa saya menonton film John Wayne sehingga saya menjawab, "Tadi, mobilnya belum siap sehingga saya harus menunggu." Padahal, ternyata tanpa sepengetahuan saya, ayah telah menelepon bengkel mobil itu. Dan, kini ayah tahu kalau saya berbohong. Lalu ayah berkata, "Ada sesuatu yang salah dalam membesarkan kau sehingga kau tidak memiliki keberanian untuk menceritakan kebenaran pada ayah. Untuk menghukum kesalahan ayah ini, ayah akan pulang ke rumah dengan berjalan kaki sepanjang 18 mil dan memikirkannya baik-baik."

Lalu, ayah dengan tetap mengenakan pakaian dan sepatunya, ayah mulai berjalan kaki pulang ke rumah. Padahal hari sudah gelap, sedangkan jalanan sama sekali tidak rata. Saya tidak bisa meninggalkan ayah, maka selama lima setengah jam, saya mengendarai mobil pelan-pelan di belakang beliau, melihat penderitaan yang dialami oleh ayah hanya karena kebohongan yang bodoh yang sa ya lakukan.

Sejak itu saya tidak pernah akan berbohong lagi. Seringkali saya berpikir mengenai episode ini dan merasa heran. Seandainya ayah menghukum saya sebagaimana kita menghukum anak-anak kita maka apakah saya akan mendapatkan sebuah pelajaran mengenai tanpa-kekerasan? Saya kira tidak. Saya akan menderita atas hukuman itu dan melakukan hal yang sama lagi. Tetapi, hanya dengan satu tindakan tanpa-kekerasan yang sangat luar biasa, sehingga saya merasa kejadian itu baru saja terjadi kemarin.

Itulah kekuatan tanpa-kekerasan.

Sumber: Disadur dari 'The Power Of Nonviolence' oleh Dr. Arun

Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

The First...

It's my blog,
I like black and white... as my life.